Science outreach
G. Galletta performed since 1977 more than one hundredth of public and school conferences.
He created several didactic movies, some of them available from this site .
He organised several public events of Astronomy and "thematic nights". Among them (in reverse cronological order):
- Cosmos 2009 - 22 november 2008- 31 december 2009 - Exhibition for the International Year of Astronomy - Museo di Storia Naturale e Archeologia di Montebelluna - Treviso - I mattoni dell'universo -
30 october 2008 - Ceremony of the Grant Prize and Night
of Astronomy and Music (Padova Cittą delle Stelle) - Padova, Centro culturale San Gaetano.
- International prize for astronomic research 2007 -
12 october 2007 - Ceremony of the Prize (Padova, Cittą delle Stelle) - Padova, Palazzo della Ragione. Granted to G. Chincarini, O. Citterio e L. Piro for their works on gamma-ray bursts.
- Stephen Weinberg in Padova - 21-25 May 2007 - Conferences and ceremonies (Padova Cittą delle Stelle) - Padua, Aula Magna del Bo e Palazzo della Ragione
- Galileo per una notte
- 27 October 2006 - Ceremony of the Grant Prize and Night
of Astronomy and Music (Padova Cittą delle Stelle) - Padua, Palazzo
della Ragione
- Astronomical week Cittą delle stelle -
dal 24 al 27 ottobre 2006 - Conferences (Padova Cittą delle
Stelle) - Padova, Sala Paladin di Palazzo Moroni
- Steven Hawking in Padova
- 8-13 May 2006 - Conferences and ceremonies (Padova Cittą delle
Stelle) - Padua, Palasport San Lazzaro, Universitą di Padova, Palazzo
della Ragione
- International prize for astronomic research 2005
- 7 October 2005 - Ceremony of the Prize and Night of Astronomy, Music
... (Padova, Cittą delle Stelle) - Padua, Teatro Verdi. Granted to S. Perlsmutter e B. Schmidt for their discovery of the accelerated expansion of the Universe.
- A spasso su Marte - 16 September 2005 - Night of Astronomy, Prose, Music and Dance... (Padova Cittą delle Stelle) - Padua, Palazzo della Ragione
- La Luna in piazza
- 14 June 2005 - Night of Astronomy, Poetry, Music, Dance... (Padova
Cittą delle Stelle) - Padua, Piazza dei Signori and Cinema Pio X
- Quella Notte sulla Luna - 20 July - 17 October 1999, Exhibition at 30 years from the Man on the Moon - Padova, Palazzo della Ragione